Backup – Morning Tea Guidelines

Morning Tea Food Guidelines

All queries to Morning Tea Roster Manager – Rod (0438 588 623)

Note: NO sandwiches policy has been adopted at the 2020 AGM.

1. Summer rides – November, December, January, February, March

Catering for approx. 40 riders – Reimbursement of $50


Cakes and/or biscuits for 40

2 litres of milk

7 Oranges

7 Apples

7 Bananas

¼ Watermelon

One other seasonal fruit, e.g. strawberries or pears

Plastic bags for rubbish

2.Autumn and Spring rides – April, May, and September and October

Catering for approx. 30 riders – Reimbursement of $35


Cakes and/or biscuits for 30

2 litres of milk

5 Oranges

5 Apples

5 Bananas

¼ Watermelon

One other seasonal fruit, e.g. rockmelon or grapes

Plastic bags for rubbish

3.Winter rides – June, July, August

Monday rides will be scheduled as usual but no morning tea or backup will be provided. This format is similar to the Wednesday and Saturday rides. Coffee stops of your own choice.